Friday, May 30, 2008

Big Recap pt.3

I've also started a little bit of work on my T-47 Airspeeder. First just let me say that this overall is a pretty nice kit. However the panel lines were not up to my expectations in the slightest so I'm working on re-doing them. They still need allot of work but this is what I've done so far.

Big Recap pt.2

I've also started work on my Sci-High models Viper MK VII. This is a VERY nice kit! I don't need to even do any modification to it!
The canopy is going to be tinted with india ink and Future.

Just look at thost panel lines! They are the crispest I've ever seen in a resin kit!
Scroll down for pt. 1 of the recap

Big Recap

I apologize for the lack of updates lately. It was the last month of school and I haven't had nearly as much time to work on stuff.

I guess I'll start off with the B-Wing.

As you can see, I am going to replace the pieces that I removed here with thinner ones. I just didn't like how thick they were before.
I also replaced the panels on this part of the fuselage. Eventually I want to replace all of them. I also removed the terrible looking molded on piping that was on the bottom of this piece. It's looking allot cleaner than the last time I showed it.

To see the rest of the pictures of my B-Wing, go here